Reading 4


Read the following chapters in R for Data Science before the end of the day on September 20:

  • All of chapter 4 (it’s relatively short)
  • In chapter 5, section 5.1 and section 5.2

Chapter 4 reviews some additional basics about R and RStudio that you may find helpful, and the selection from chapter 5 discusses how to filter datasets using the dplyr library in tidyverse.

Github discussion thread

Click here to go to the question and answer thread for Reading 4.

To receive a question post credit

Write a post in this thread that contains at least 2 questions you had about this reading before the end of the day on September 21. If you have more than 2 questions, that is okay! This is to help you learn.

Your questions should be written as complete sentences, and make sure that you include enough context in your post that other students will understand what you’re asking about.

To receive an answer post credit

Read through the questions asked by other students in this thread. Answer one of the questions using full sentences before the end of the day on September 27. When answering the question, tag the student that asked the question by typing @username, replacing the word “username” with their actual Github account name. In addition, tag me @jkglasbrenner and the CDS-101 grader @shuaibm at the top or bottom of your response.